7 years

My baby girl turned 7 this past week and when we asked her what she would like to do on her special day she responded typically for her personality.  Since she was born my husband has called this little lady his “little boy”.  She loves the outdoors, searching for critters and all things nature.  You can often find her exploring wearing rubber boots, barely brushed hair and dirt smeared on her body somewhere…I love it.  So her final decision was…go pickup Burger King  and visit a small nature reserve near our home.  She especially loves this particular area because we once had a painted turtle AND a softshell at the same time (don’t ask me why we had them at the same time, it was pure chaos) but we set them free there and she has high hopes that we will visit this park one day and they will come slowly crawling back into her arms. We were the only ones there and my husband and I have seemed to be at eachother this week so walking peacefully through the park seemed to be just what we all needed.  Our entire family was able to slow down, enjoy the beautiful view and the sounds, spend time together, and celebrate that we have been a blessed to be not just a married couple but a family for 7 years now.

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